Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2025): Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea

competencias investigativas en la educación universitaria Teaching support: Pillars for the formation of research competences in university education.

DOI: 10.58995/redlic.rmic.v3.n1.a99
Angel Aurelio Morocho Macas
Universidad Católica de Cuenca; Universidad Santander


Teacher accompaniment in the formation of research competences in university students is essential to foster not only meaningful learning but also the ability of students to face the challenges of a constantly evolving academic and professional environment, accentuating their influence in the formation of researchers capable of contributing to social and scientific progress. It is proposed that teachers act as mentors, promoting autonomy, critical thinking and authentic learning experiences. This accompaniment goes beyond the mere transmission of information, is adapted to individual needs and promotes self-evaluation and intrinsic motivation of learners. In addition, collaborative learning and reflection on educational practice are highlighted as fundamental components. Finally, it is concluded that this educational framework is indispensable for training competent researchers, equipped to generate knowledge and to face social and scientific challenges


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Published 2024-12-27


  • teaching support,
  • research skills training,
  • university students,
  • university education

How to Cite

Morocho Macas, A. A. (2024). competencias investigativas en la educación universitaria Teaching support: Pillars for the formation of research competences in university education. Contemporary Research, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.58995/redlic.rmic.v3.n1.a99