Focal intracranial infections at the Hospital de Niños Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde: case series, period 2012-2022
Introduction: Brain abscess, subdural empyema and epidural empyema constitute the most frequent focal intracranial infections. Objective: To carry out a characterization of focal intracranial infections at the Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde Children's Hospital, period 2012-2022. Methodology: Observational, analytical and retrospective study, which involved the review of medical records of 37 patients who met the inclusion criteria. Results: The incidence predominated in males (70.2%) and adolescents (35.1%). Risk factors most frequently detected: associated infections (78.3%), congenital heart disease (21.6%) and head trauma (18.9%). Most frequent clinical presentation: fever (72.97%), headache (54.05%) and seizures (40.54%). Single injury (71.27%) and Multiple injury (29.73%). The single lesion in the parietal location predominated (29.73%). Most commonly used antibiotic therapy: vancomycin and metronidazole (55.3%). The pathogenic microorganism was isolated in 24.31%. Associated complications in 18.92%, with death occurring in 6.25%. Conclusions: Brain abscess and subdural empyema were the most frequent focal intracranial infections.
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Published 2024-07-01
- pediatría,
- epidemiología,
- neurología,
- microbiología
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