Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
often provide information about the culture and history of the singer's country of origin
(p.34). To complement this argument, one can cite Carlsson (2023) who points out that
music video is constructed through aspects such as: (1) music, (2) lyrics and (3) moving
images (para.13). All these elements make the music video function as a resource that
can enhance students' language skills. Moreover, Fon Hâf (2020) considers that music
videos create a multi-dimensional experience. By combining auditory and visual elements,
they offer audiences a more immersive and sensational experience. When listening to
and watching a song in a foreign language, we often feel the need to focus on the lyrics,
melody and rhythm. This focus can contribute to the development of our listening skills.
On the other hand, Fajry (2016) state that audiobooks offer listeners the opportunity to
focus on the story's theme, conict, setting, and character, as well as to make mental
predictions about the story's outcome, which helps develop critical thinking skills, this active
engagement fosters critical thinking skills by encouraging listeners to analyze, evaluate,
and reect on various aspects of the narrative (p.64). Additionally, he mentions that the
audiobook can benet English language learners by offering them the opportunity to learn
by both reading and listening, as some people learn English by reading and others by
listening. Furthermore, Sekścińska and Olszańska (2018) state that repeated exposure to
vocabulary through audiobooks strengthens the ability to recognize and remember words.
In the same way, Sya’ya (2021) argues that in this technology era, it is more suitable
that teachers take advantage of technologies in teaching listening rather than use the
traditional things which may be monotonous, through the use of electronic listening aids,
it is possible to offer students the opportunity to listen to a wide range of information in
English. To complement this point Lankapalli (2023) states that it is important for educa-
tors to effectively select, utilize, and manage resources to create engaging and effecti-
ve learning experiences due to the fact that proper utilization of resources can enhan-
ce student engagement, promote active learning, facilitate understanding, and cater to