Didactic audiovisual
resources and listening comprehension
Recursos audiovisuales didácticos y comprensión auditiva
Shelsia Adelaida Cordero Correa
, Marlon Richard Armijos Ramírez
Universidad Nacional de Loja; shelsia.cordero@unl.edu.ec. Loja, Ecuador
Universidad Nacional de Loja; marlon.armijos.r@gmail.com. Loja, Ecuador
Información del artículo:
Recibido: 12-01-2024
Aceptado: 22-05-2024
Publicado: 01-07-2024
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Artículo original. Revista multidisciplinaria investigación Contemporánea.
Vol. 2 - No. 2, pp. 1 - 22. julio-diciembre, 2024. e-ISSN: 2960-8015
Cómo citar:
Cordero Correa, S. A. ., & Armijos Ramírez, M. R. (2024). Didactic audiovisual resources and Listening comprehension. Revista
Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea, 2(2), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.58995/redlic.rmic.v2.n2.a65
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58995/redlic.rmic.v2.n2.a65
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
It is well known that the ability of listening is as important if not more important than
speaking, because an eective communication requires both components to work harmo-
niously. Since one does not work without the other, speaking has no merit if what we say is
not received by another person. The central objective of this study is to improve listening
comprehension through the use of didactic audiovisual resources such as music videos
and audiobooks. This study employed a mixed action research approach to collect both
quantitative and qualitative data with high school students of a public institution in Loja. The
instruments used were a pre-test, a post-test and field notes, and the data were analyzed
by using descriptive statistics. A descriptive analysis was used to interpret the results of the
pre-test and post-test, as well as a thematic analysis to interpret the information collected
through the field notes. Through this, after the implementation of the audiovisual resources,
there was an outstanding increase in the students' listening comprehension, which went
from 57% to 82%. Similarly, the results indicated that the students experienced more moti-
vation, participation and improved their listening sub-skills such as, listening for predicting,
listening for gist and listening for specific information with the use of audiovisual resources.
Keywords: audiovisual resources, listening comprehension, english language learning, skills.
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
Es bien sabido que la capacidad de escuchar es tan importante, si no más, que hablar.
Esto se debe a que una comunicación eficaz requiere que ambos componentes funcionen
en armonía. Ya que uno no funciona sin el otro, ya que hablar no tiene mérito si lo que
decimos no es recibido por otra persona. El objetivo central de este estudio es mejorar la
comprensión auditiva mediante el uso de recursos audiovisuales didácticos como vídeos
musicales y audiolibros. Este estudio empleó un enfoque de investigación-acción mixta
para recolectar datos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos con estudiantes de secundaria
de una institución pública en Loja. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron un pretest, un post-
test y notas de campo, y los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva. Se
utilizó un análisis descriptivo para interpretar los resultados del pretest y postest, así como
un análisis temático para interpretar la información recolectada a través de las notas de
campo. Gracias a esto, luego de la implementación de los recursos audiovisuales, se logró
un aumento destacado en la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes, la cual pasó de 57%
a 82%. De manera similar, los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes experimentaron
más motivación, participación y mejoraron sus subhabilidades de escucha, como escu-
char para predecir, escuchar lo esencial y escuchar información específica con el uso de
recursos audiovisuales.
Palabras clave: recursos audiovisuales, comprensión auditiva, aprendizaje del idioma inglés,
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
In English language learning the act of listening stands as the foundation on which all
other skills are built, according to Thuy (2021) assertions, the listening skill has a very
significant role since it is fundamental to the development of other language skills and
is the primary means by which learners interact authentically with the target language
and culture. It is often considered the most challenging language skill for target langua-
ge learners. On the other hand, another important aspect is highlighted by Chamorro
et. al. (2020) who mentions that listening is defined as the absorption of the meaning of
words and phrases in the brain, the ability to listen is very important in the acquisition of
a language, it could be said to be indispensable (p.315). Another aspect is mentioned by
Westover (2020), who maintains that listening meaningfully goes beyond simply listening
to the words, but involves understanding the context in which those words are expressed,
understanding what is behind what is said.
However, through teaching practice it became evident that some students had problems
related to listening comprehension skills, especially listening for predicting, for gist, and for
specic information. The importance of this research lies in the fact that educators could
consider the integration of audiovisual resources in the teaching of listening comprehen-
sion in order to improve this ability. In light of the above, the researcher has formulated
the following research question that have guided the research process: How does the
incorporation of music videos and audiobooks as didactic resources contribute to the
improvement of listening comprehension among high school students at a public institu-
tion in Loja? Consequently, the general objective was to improve listening comprehension
through didactic audiovisual resources such as music videos and audiobooks among high
school students at a public institution in Loja.
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
This research can serve as a reference for educators, providing them with concrete
strategies to improve the teaching of listening comprehension. Consequently, there are
some previous studies that corroborate this, for example; Collaguazo (2021) in his study
concludes that pedagogical intervention through audiovisual didactic resources improves
students' discriminative listening skills and it is recommended that teachers constantly
integrate these audiovisual didactic resources in their lesson plans due to audiovisual
materials have several components that work together to create an engaging and infor-
mative learning experience. Visual, audio, textual, interactive and technical components
play an essential role in conveying information to learners in a variety of environments.
Additionally, according to Syarifah Intan (2022) audiovisual media offer educational content
through sound (audio) and image (visual) to facilitate better comprehension, she adds that
it is anticipated that the use of these media can engage learners and encourage them to
listen more attentively, and to be able to synchronize the information heard with the help
of visualization of images to achieve better comprehension.
Moreover, Ramirez and Alvarez (2016) express that the exposure and implementation of
all these audiovisual materials into the classroom, could result in a positive response from
learners towards the class development because if the audio track is complicated for lear-
ners, the use of captions in the form of pictures or graphics will help them visualize what
they are hearing, expanding their linguistic ability. In the same manner, supporting learners
with sequences of images may motivate learners to be engaged, and they are not limited
just to listen, but to pay careful attention to the details portrayed on the images. (p.19)
Furthermore, Hardiah (2019) and Conde (2019) state that by employing this medium,
both senses, i.e., the ears and the eyes, are stimulated at the same time. Therefore, it is
expected that the use of this medium will be able to attract students to listen with more
concentration and be able to synchronize the information heard with the help of visuali-
zation of images, so that a better understanding is obtained. Additionally, Morán (2017)
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
expressed that it is generally accepted that the best learning experiences take place when
the greatest number of senses are stimulated. So as to, the use of devices or audiovisual
materials will stimulate them to a great extent. For this reason, good teachers have always
used audiovisual resources in order to enhance language skills in students.
Furthermore, there are some solid theoretical bases that guided this study, Yamaguchi
(2020) states that audiovisual itself is authentic, innovative and didactic material, it encou-
rages learners to listen to the language as it is spoken by native speakers. Audiovisual
material consists of the amount of input of listening and watching, signicantly stimulating
the senses. One of the learning methods is extensive listening which requires the amount
of input. The approach involves listening to amounts of audio that are understandable to
students, which motivates them to improve their listening skills.
In addition, Vetricia (2022) points out that it is necessary for learners to have not only
empty information, but someone or something to introduce the information through visual
and auditory aids to facilitate their understanding of the message delivered. It means that
the use of audiovisual resources is essential to improve the comprehension of the content.
Besides, Santander and Rúa (2018) emphasize that with the development of audiovisual
media in the classroom, new learning scenarios have arisen, in which spaces are created
to work actively, capturing the student's attention, through the different resources that
inspire and motivate them to continue developing communication skills, and that, at the
same time, responds to the demands of education today (p. 29).
Both music videos and audiobooks are very useful within the pedagogical framework
and are part of the audiovisual resources, thus, on the one hand, Castellano (2021)
says that music videos tend to be a valid resource in terms of pedagogy due to their
short duration, simple syntax, ordinary subject matter and colloquial language, also, they
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
often provide information about the culture and history of the singer's country of origin
(p.34). To complement this argument, one can cite Carlsson (2023) who points out that
music video is constructed through aspects such as: (1) music, (2) lyrics and (3) moving
images (para.13). All these elements make the music video function as a resource that
can enhance students' language skills. Moreover, Fon Hâf (2020) considers that music
videos create a multi-dimensional experience. By combining auditory and visual elements,
they offer audiences a more immersive and sensational experience. When listening to
and watching a song in a foreign language, we often feel the need to focus on the lyrics,
melody and rhythm. This focus can contribute to the development of our listening skills.
On the other hand, Fajry (2016) state that audiobooks offer listeners the opportunity to
focus on the story's theme, conict, setting, and character, as well as to make mental
predictions about the story's outcome, which helps develop critical thinking skills, this active
engagement fosters critical thinking skills by encouraging listeners to analyze, evaluate,
and reect on various aspects of the narrative (p.64). Additionally, he mentions that the
audiobook can benet English language learners by offering them the opportunity to learn
by both reading and listening, as some people learn English by reading and others by
listening. Furthermore, Sekścińska and Olszańska (2018) state that repeated exposure to
vocabulary through audiobooks strengthens the ability to recognize and remember words.
In the same way, Sya’ya (2021) argues that in this technology era, it is more suitable
that teachers take advantage of technologies in teaching listening rather than use the
traditional things which may be monotonous, through the use of electronic listening aids,
it is possible to offer students the opportunity to listen to a wide range of information in
English. To complement this point Lankapalli (2023) states that it is important for educa-
tors to effectively select, utilize, and manage resources to create engaging and effecti-
ve learning experiences due to the fact that proper utilization of resources can enhan-
ce student engagement, promote active learning, facilitate understanding, and cater to
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
diverse learning needs and styles. Moreover, as Fisabilhaq (2021) argues, the integration
of these resources can increase students' interest and motivation, thus facilitating the
memorization of new words. Due to audiovisual media are those that allow the simulta-
neous perception of sound and images.
First of all, the modality of this research was based on a mixed methodological approach
since there is no dichotomy between the quantitative and the qualitative aspects of the
investigation and the aim was to provide a potential solution to the challenge identied in
the development of listening comprehension in the educational institution. As expressed
by Azorin (2016) mixed method approach is the combination and integration of qualitative
and quantitative methods in a single study. Besides, it is important to note that a group of
tenth-grade students whose ages range between 12 and 14 years old were chosen as the
sample of this research. This classroom project was carried out in a public institution in Loja,
Ecuador, with a group of students who have an A2.1 level of English language prociency.
Afterwards, the researcher followed the procedure of a practical action research of ve
stages (Susman & Evered, 1978). These stages entailed: (1) diagnosing, the researcher
found a t problem related to the lack of progress in listening comprehension among high
school students; (2) action planning, the next step was to develop an action plan that
addresses the specic needs of the students so that they can acquire meaningful learning.
This plan established alternatives where the integration of audiovisual resources, such
as music videos and audiobooks help to improve students' listening comprehension; (3)
action taking, research tools such as pre-test, post-test, and eld notes were created to
carry out the action plan and collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The pre-test
was applied in the rst week. Then, the researcher developed the listening comprehension
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
skills by using audiovisual resources such as music videos and audiobooks. After that, the
post-test was applied during the last week. In addition, the implementation of the action
plan was monitored periodically through eld notes, which were lled out after the clas-
ses by the researcher, the application of the intervention plan was developed in 8 weeks
during the 2023-2024 school year; (4) evaluating, after implementing the intervention
plan, the quantitative and qualitative data collected through the research instruments
were analyzed and interpreted; (5) specifying learning, the researcher reected on the
results obtained and the limitations encountered during the implementation of the plan.
The results indicated what impact the use of audiovisual resources has on the improve-
ment of students' listening comprehension. In addition, conclusions were drawn which
helped to address the research question.
Besides, the data were represented in tables and gures using the EXCEL program and
interpreted using measures of central tendency to accurately reect the results found. It
is important to mention that descriptive statistics were used to process and analyze the
results obtained from the data collection instruments (pre-test, post-test and eld notes).
A descriptive analysis was used to interpret the results of the pre-test and post-test, as
well as a thematic analysis to interpret the information collected through the eld notes.
In order to gather the information necessary for the development of this research work,
the following methods and techniques were used: For the evaluation and verication of
the changes occurred at the beginning and at the end of a study, the testing technique
was used, this technique included the pre-test and post-test which was related to the
listening comprehension sub-skills: listening for predicting, listening for gist and listening
for specic information. In addition, these research instruments were scored according
to the grading scale established by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education. Additionally,
an informed consent letter was provided in order to communicate to parents about the
planned research and to obtain their free and informed consent to allow their children
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
to participate in the research. Likewise, the observation technique was put into practice
in order to know and see how students react to the use of audiovisual resources during
their learning process within the listening comprehension skills. Field notes were used
for this purpose, where notes were taken of observations, including important details and
concrete examples because the more descriptive the notes were, the richer the infor-
mation that could be extracted later.
Comparison of the Pre-Test and Post-Test means
Research question: How does the incorporation of music videos and audiobooks as
didactic resources contribute to the improvement of listening comprehension among high
school students at a public institution in Loja?
Table 1
Pre-test results of tenth-grade students’ listening comprehension.
Grading Scale Predicting (2/2) Gist (2/2) Specific information (2/2)
f % f % f %
(0 - 0,5) 13 38% 4 12% 15 44%
(0,6 - 1) 11 32% 5 15% 6 18%
(1,1 - 1,5) 5 15% 16 47% 9 26%
(1,6 - 2) 5 15% 9 26% 4 12%
Total of students 34 100% 34 100% 34 100%
Mean 0.94 2.45 2.36
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
Table 1 provides the results obtained from the pre-test which was applied to the tenth-grade
high school students before the intervention plan to measure the target group's listening
comprehension. Overall, it is of great significance that out of 34 students only 6 were able
to achieve the average score (7/10) compared to the National Grading Scale. Therefore,
it was shown that the students did not achieve the necessary listening comprehension
skill, as they obtained an average of 5.72/10 which indicates that on average the students
answered less than half of the questions correctly. This demonstrates a lack of understan-
ding and ability to process auditory information eectively.
Concerning the prediction sub-skill of listening comprehension the participants had a
0.94/2.00 mean score, indicating that the students had diiculties in anticipating informa-
tion according to what they previously heard, it shows a low comprehension of the liste-
ning material. This sub-skill is of great importance because by actively anticipating what
comes next, learners are better prepared to understand and retain the oral information
presented to them so that they can be better prepared to understand and respond to a
wide range of auditory information.
Regarding the listening for gist sub-skill, here the students obtained a mean of 2.45/4.00
which indicates that they had a little diiculty in understanding the main idea of the infor-
mation they were listening to. Even with the help of images highlighting the main topic, the
students were confused and chose the wrong options because their listening comprehen-
sion was low and only picked up certain words that did not allow them to generate a clear
context of the auditory content. It was also noted that students did not take notes during
the listening activity which would have helped them remember key points.
Subsequently, in the listening for specific information sub-skill a mean of 2.36/4.00 was
obtained, the students' identification of specific details was not as eective as expected.
The students were not able to complete the activities that required them to fill in the blanks
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
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with the words they heard, as it was noted that their attention was very poor and this is
a negative factor that directly aects comprehension, nor were they able to identify the
names of the people mentioned and their respective roles within the auditory content. Even
so, it is clear that this skill requires concentration and focus, so it is necessary to capture
the student's interest in one or another way.
Finally, these results were troubling because listening comprehension is a fundamental skill
for learning and overall English development. Therefore, this made it necessary to imple-
ment an intervention plan that focuses on improving the listening comprehension of these
students through the use of audiovisual resources such as music videos and audiobooks.
Table 2
Post-test results of tenth-grade students’ listening comprehension.
Grading Scale Predicting (2/2) Gist (2/2) Specific information (2/2)
f % f % f %
(0 - 0,5) 1 3% 5 15% 5 15%
(0,6 - 1) 1 3% 13 38% 13 38%
(1,1 - 1,5) 3 9% 4 12% 13 38%
(1,6 - 2) 29 85% 12 35% 3 9%
Total of students 34 100% 34 100% 34 100%
Mean 1.9 3.24 3.02
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
As can be seen in Table 2, the results obtained from the post-test that was applied to the
tenth-grade students of high school after the intervention plan in order to measure the
listening comprehension level of the target group. Overall, the most relevant result of the
data is that out of 34 students the majority was able to reach the average score (7/10).
This indicates that most of the students significantly improved their ability to comprehend
and process auditory information. It should be noted that the mean obtained was 8.15/10
which shows that on average, the participants obtained high or outstanding scores proving
that their listening comprehension skills improved significantly in relation to the pre-test.
Regarding the predicting sub-kill of listening comprehension, students achieved a mean
of 1.90/2.00, the interpretation of the following events in terms of what they had previously
heard had a significant increase, as expected. It could be evidenced that students were
able to anticipate and predict the information that would come next in the auditory content
due to the visual and auditory aids that these resources contained.
Within the listening for gist sub-skill a mean of 3.24/4.00 was obtained, this shows that
students were able to grasp the main idea and have a general understanding of what was
presented in both the music video and audiobook. This was facilitated because they had
to acquire a general understanding of the topic and not focus on specific details, making
it easier to process what they had previously heard.
In the last indicator which was specific information sub-skill of listening comprehension, a
mean of 3.02/4.00 was obtained. This provides significantly better results compared to the
pre-test due to an increase in the identification of specific details such as words or phrases,
or the names of characters mentioned in the auditory content. On the other hand, there
was a small problem in identifying the correct order of the verses and events, it means that
participants had a little diiculty in following the thread of the information and organizing
it in their mind in a sequential manner.
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
To sum up, these results indicate that the intervention plan implemented was eective in
improving the students' listening comprehension level. We can say that these results are
encouraging and demonstrate the importance of implementing audiovisual resources to
improve students' listening comprehension.
Table 3
Pre-test and post-test mean of the performance of the tenth-grade students’ l
istening comprehension.
To summarize all the data previously analyzed and interpreted, Table 3 shows the mean
scores obtained for the students' listening comprehension performance in the pre-test and
post-test. Within these results, it is important to highlight that the mean of the "predic-
tion sub-skill" in the pre-test was 0.94/2.00, that is, only 47%, while in the post-test it was
1.90/2.00, which means 95%. The range for this category is 0.96, which indicates that
between the pre-test and the post-test there was a growth of 48% thanks to the use of
audiovisual resources, which also indicates that the students showed a great improvement
in the anticipation and prediction of events after the intervention plan. This sub-skill is of
great importance because by actively anticipating what comes next, learners are better
prepared to understand and retain the oral information presented to them so that they can
be better prepared to understand and respond to a wide range of auditory information.
Predicting (2/2) Gist (4/4)
Information (4/4)
Total, Mean
Pre-test 0,94 (47%) 2,45 (61%) 2,36 (59%) 5,72 (57%)
Post-test 1,9 (95%) 3,24 (81%) 3,02 (76%) 8,15 (82%)
Range 0,96 (48%) 0,79 (20%) 0,66 (17%) 2,43 (24%)
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
Similarly, it is noteworthy that the mean of the "gist sub-skill" in the pre-test was 2.45/4.00,
it means that students achieved 61% which increased to 3.24/4.00 which means 81% in the
post-test, furthermore, the interval between the pre-test and post-test is 0.79 which proves
an increase of 20% after the intervention. This implies that the recognition of the general
idea or message through the visual and auditory contents presented in the audiovisual
resources has improved the students' listening comprehension in the post-test. This also
shows that students were able to grasp the main idea and have a general understanding of
what was presented in both the music video and audiobook. This was facilitated because
they had to acquire a general understanding of the topic and not focus on specific details,
making it easier to process what they had previously heard.
It is also interesting to note that the mean score of listening for specific information
sub-skill in the pre-test was 2.36/4.00 which increased to 3.02/4.00 in the post-test. Addi-
tionally, the range here is 0.66 which indicates that they increased by 17% in recogni-
zing specific details within the auditory content after the use of audiovisual resources.
This provides significantly better results compared to the pre-test due to an increase in
the identification of specific details such as words or phrases, or the names of charac-
ters mentioned in the auditory content.
Recapitulating, the total mean increased from 5.72/10 (57%) in the pre-test to 8.15/10
(82%) in the post-test. It is worth noting that between the pre-test and post-test a range
of 2.43 was obtained showing that there was an increase of 24%. It is important to point
out that these results revealed that the application of audiovisual resources such as music
videos and audiobooks together with good strategies was eective in increasing the level
of listening comprehension in tenth-grade students of high school. In addition, the great
improvement in this skill was evidenced when comparing the pre-test and post-test.
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
The research question of this study sought to address: How does the incorporation of music
videos and audiobooks as didactic resources contribute to the improvement of listening
comprehension among high school students at a public institution in Loja? According to the
results, it is clear that the use of audiovisual resources such as music videos and audiobooks
had a positive impact on the students' listening comprehension progress. According to field
notes some students argued that by incorporating audiovisual resources into the classes,
they were able to understand the auditory content more easily, make accurate predictions
based on what they had previously heard, were able to identify the main ideas, and iden-
tify specific details mentioned in the auditory content. Moreover, these resources not only
facilitated students' understanding and concentration, but also cultivated motivation and
participation in the classroom, which resulted in a marked improvement in their listening
comprehension proficiency as they experienced this application as interesting and learned
away from monotonous, boring, and tiring activities.
These findings supported the ideas of Collaguazo (2021), who states that audiovisual
resources have various elements that contribute to the creation of an interesting and
educational learning experience. Visual, auditory, interactive textual and technical aspects
are fundamental to communicate information to students in dierent contexts, all of which
help students develop a more complete listening comprehension. These results also agree
with Yamaguchi (2020) who emphasizes that audiovisual material is authentic, innovative,
didactic, and encourages learners to listen to the language spoken by native speakers.
The audiovisual material consists of the amount of input from listening and viewing,
significantly stimulating the senses.
Besides, at the beginning of the research, it was evident that tenth-grade students had a
low level of listening comprehension with an average score of (5.72/10), while the average
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
increased to (8.15/10) indicating a dierence of 2.43, this means that the use of audiovisual
resources such as music videos and audiobooks helped significantly to develop their level
of listening comprehension in the sub-skills: Listening for predicting, listening for gist and
listening for specific information. The field notes corroborate that most students agreed
that both audiovisual resources; the music videos thanks to its rhythm, the lyrics and the
moving images and on the other hand the audiobooks that have interesting plots, several
characters and messages helped to develop listening comprehension skill. So, the eec-
tiveness of these resources can be based on the fact that they provide a complete and
engaging learning experience that enhances learners' comprehension since it not only
helped auditory learners, but also accommodated visual learners. This is corroborated
by Vetricia (2022) who points out that it is necessary for learners to have not only empty
information, but someone or something to introduce the information through visual and
auditory aids to facilitate their understanding of the message delivered.
Considering the field notes it became evident that students considered that the incorpora-
tion of music videos to the classes has increased their motivation to actively participate in
class. This is reinforced by the words of Castellano (2021), who expresses that this resource
is valid from a pedagogical point of view due to its short duration, simple syntax, ordinary
subject matter and colloquial language. They also tend to provide information about the
culture and history of the singer's country of origin, which engages the student even more.
On the other hand, some students prefer audiobooks because they are novel and add a
new perspective to the classroom, this is reairmed by Fajry (2016) who expresses those
audiobooks were considered a novel tool in the English classroom, as they allow listeners
to concentrate on the topic, the conflict, the setting and characters of the story, the sound
eects and the music, which increases students' engagement with the subject matter.
Didactic audiovisual resources and listening comprehension
Revista Multidisciplinaria Investigación Contemporánea | Vol. 2 - No. 2 | 1 - 22
The implementation of audiovisual resources has proven to be eective in strengthening
students' listening comprehension skills. Through the use of music videos and audiobooks,
students were able to better understand the oral content, thus, the use of these two resour-
ces allowed students to improve in the sub-skills of listening for predicting, listening for
gist and listening for specific information.
Audiovisual resources, by oering a wealth of visual and auditory content, exposing
students to diverse accents and vocabulary, interesting scenarios, characters and messa-
ges, undoubtedly help to create dynamic and meaningful learning, encouraging active
participation in the classroom. Consequently, the integration of these resources allows
teachers to generate a more motivating, stimulating and enjoyable learning environment
where listening comprehension can be eectively improved.
The integration of audiovisual resources, including music videos and audiobooks, has proven
to be a captivating and innovative approach in the English language learning settings. These
resources have successfully engaged students, enhancing their interest and concentration
levels during lessons, consequently leading to significant improvements in their listening
skills. Through this method, students have demonstrated the ability to make predictions,
grasp the overall content, and extract specific details with greater ease and eectiveness.
SACC: Abstract, introduction, methodology, results
MRAR: Discussion and conclusions.
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